Yes, yes, all in the name of "art" I am sure. They did that so they could show a naked butt from time to time.
I guess we can blame the defunct TV show NYPD Blue for that.

The nervous camera made some appearances and when will someone realize it just makes the audience dizzy and has really no dramatic impact at all. Many fight scenes were too dark and yes lasted too long.
While not artful, the story is okay, but the mechanics of making this movie somehow got in the way. Just because you use a quote from the book, THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu doesn't mean that the goal of "art" is fulfilled. When you have the word "art" in the title of a movie, what follows within the movie should have some semblance to it. While trying to find out who murdered his martial arts mentor, former spy Neil Shaw (Snipes) is on the run from Homeland Security who believe Shaw is implicated in a Senator's (McDonald) death. That said I did watch this one straight after "Brutal" (2007), which makes it seem a masterpiece in comparison.
Forgettable, passable, but in the end not a total waste of time, if you want to chill. This one however wasn't even half-bad and Snipes carries the movie decently.
Wesley Snipes stays fit and is appealing to watch, no matter how appalling the said role. Definitely on a lower level than the original, but all in all I did feel entertained and don't really feel the need to nitpick. Also SFX are a bit iffy, but that shouldn't lower the satisfaction from watching the flick. It has flaws, especially the overusing of the shaky cam, but hell. The plot thickens, when his friend and employer Garret, an actor with his sights on the US Senate, is subject to a botched assassination attempt. But was this really an accident? Shaw teams up with Melina Cruz, the out-of-marriage daughter of Mom. The good life ends, when Shaw receives word of Mom, cross-dresser, special op, mentor and teacher, being killed in a freak robbery. The money is good and leaves enough time to hone the body and martial arts skills.

Wesley Snipes returns as Neil Shaw, now an ex-special operative, who earns his dough by consulting Hollywood action flicks. It ain't no masterpiece or even great action flick, but all in all this is a Wesley Snipes bad-to-da-bone thriller roller-coaster with a couple of interesting twists. The resultant film is pitiful and uninteresting, just another forgettable straight-to-DVD action flick. They even throw in some terrible CGI effects just when you thought the film couldn't get any worse. Most annoyingly of all, one key scene has a fight taking place in the dark! The plot is absolutely nothing to write home about, and the characters are as bland as they come. By contrast, the fights in this movie are fuzzy, poorly edited so you can't properly see what's going on. The important thing about movie fights is that the camera steps back to show the actors utilising their skills - this is why films such as Donnie Yen's FLASHPOINT are so good, because the participants in the fights are brilliant at what they do. I quite like Wesley Snipes, but his talents are wasted here and criminally the fight scenes are poorly handled. THE ART OF WAR II: BETRAYAL does the usual rounds with its story of political double-crossing, a sinister criminal mastermind, a wronged man, multiple assassination attempts and of course one just, ass-kicking hero. More straight-to-DVD action nonsense, this one starring Wesley Snipes and a nominal follow-up to THE ART OF WAR (I can't remember anything about that, so it must have been good).